Okay so yesterday was Easter and guess what...I had 2 exams! womp womp We had Friday and Saturday off to study, and then I had two exams yesterday and one today.  They are our only exams this entire semester and each of them are worth 50% of our grade in each of those respective classes.  THAT IS SO MUCH PRESSURE! haha but they are over and I am free.  It feels kind of like being on summer vacation because now I am headed to the Serengeti!!!  

I am sooooooooOOOOOOOO excited! It is going to be the best time ever.  One of my professors almost guaranteed that I will see leopards which has been one of my goals from the start and I will finally be able to complete my Big 5!  It has been raining a ton here.  It pretty much rains every night into the morning, and some days we get a break from 1 to 6 before it starts again.  It could be a very wet camping trip (in true Burns fashion).  It has been raining so hard that the roads are getting washed out and it may take as long as 6 hours to get to Serengeti.  Also, I think there is a pretty good chance that I will have to push the car at some point tomorrow depending on if it ever stops raining or not.  So far today, we had like a 15 minute respite from the rain and that was it. I really hope that it clears up for at least part of expedition, just because everything gets a little bit rougher when its all wet and there is no where dry.  Also, the last day in Serengeti we are going to go to this tourist lodge for lunch and it's a buffet and they will have CHEESE and SALAD! woot woot I am so excited because we only ever get cheese on pizza and a little bit when they make pasta that is similar to mac n cheese, but you have no idea how much I would love to just eat a block of cheddar cheese! They also have dessert, so that will be glorious! 
But Easter wasn't all bad, because we had a special Easter dinner.  They brought two (live) goats to camp and slaughtered them right here! People could watch if they wanted, but I just couldn't do it.  I have absolutely no desire to watch or hear a goat get killed, so I went to the furthest part of camp and played some music and I missed the entire thing.  Some people helped skin and process the goat, but I didn't really want to help with that either.  Once it was ready, they roasted it on sticks over a fire.  Then they put the works on for dinner, they had guac and samosas and potatoes and all of our favorite foods at once.  I did try some goat, but it is extremely chewy so I only ate a little bit.  Apparently at some point we will be making the skins into bracelets.  They are tanning them right now, which I guess is cool because they are using the whole thing (and its similar to leather?). I haven't decided how I feel about the bracelets.  I think I'll wait and see what it is like before I make any decisions.  

Well that is all I have for my pre-Serengeti post.  I hope everyone is doing well back home, and HAPPY EASTER! 


P.S. I found out this week that I will be living in the Treehouse again, and I will be rooming with Anna
Uncle joe
4/2/2013 10:31:09 am

Goat for dinner.looks like we will be changing the menu for the next camping trip.as far as the rain goes,we all know that's a burns camping thing.have a great trip

aunt Anne
4/7/2013 05:22:54 am

Amazing as always! Thanks for sharing with us!!
BTW, mongooses and mongeese are both correct!!!

4/10/2013 06:11:44 am

I can't say that I recommend goat, so I'm going to pass on having that at the next camping trip....

Aunt Anne...thanks for the update on mongeese! Everyone laughed at me when I said it, but I was like "you never know it could be a real thing"


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    Watch out Simba cuz here I come!!

